Navahine + HDOT: 
Our Shared Path Forward

Our work in Hawaiʻi has only just begun, with the Settlement Agreement in Navahine v. Hawaiʻi Department of Transportation. All of our voices are needed to support the government’s success.

In the years to come, youth plaintiffs, legal teams at Our Children’s Trust and Earthjustice, with experts in climate science, decarbonization and transportation, will advise Hawaiʻi on the creation of their plan and path forward, and ensure the terms of the Settlement Agreement are being met.

Youth plaintiffs will have a powerful seat at the table. And communities across Hawaiʻi will have critical roles in the work to come, holding their government and elected leaders accountable for commitments made under the Settlement Agreement, ensuring their legislature and policymakers stand behind HDOT, and embracing a fossil-free, electrified future.

Democracy in Action

The truth is, our shared fight for a healthy, livable climate future can powerfully unite us.

Hawaiʻi’s leadership will serve as a model for states and countries around the world to address one of the most important sectors driving the climate crisis – transportation.

In Hawaiʻi, youth carried their elders’ fight forward, bringing experts in transportation, decarbonization and climate science together with Native community advocates and voices, our elected leaders, and all three branches of government to unite towards a livable future.

We can secure that healthy future, but it will take all of us working together. From this moment, our movement to secure every young person’s inherent right to a life-sustaining climate system grows.

It is in our collective power to seismically shift the trajectory on climate. 
A safe, livable future is within reach.